Tuesday, June 28, 2011

10 Commandments Of An Intrapreneur

  1. Build your team means you need to build support for yourself and work also needs people just like you.
  2. Share credit widely means those who gave you idea, supported you or helped you in any way, share credit with them that will give them motivation, encouragement and satisfaction.
  3. Ask for advice before asking for resources means do not run for resources at first, try to work on the idea, make it feasible, ask for advice and guidance from your team, mentor and role model.
  4. Under promise and over deliver means don't promise what you can't deliver
  5. Do any job needed regardless job description, being an intrapreneur you need to do a lot more and some times a kind of task that you are not familiar with nor are written in your job description.
  6. It is easier to ask for forgiveness than permission, if you wait for the permission from your management before doing or trying anything new and creative, then you can not do it. Try to perform and do what it takes, if succeeded.... fine.. if not than ask for forgiveness because unless and until you don't try how ll you know about the success or failure.
  7. Interest of the company first when circumvent bureaucracy
  8. Come to work each day willing to be fired
  9. Be true to the goals, be realistic to the way to achieve them
  10. Honor and educate your sponsors

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