Thursday, June 23, 2011

How to Fix a Laptop That You Spilt Coffee On

So you've spilt a liquid on your laptop? Here is a simple guide to fix your computer from its dip in the lake.


  1. Turn off your computer immediately.
  2. Place a dry cloth on top of your laptop and pat it dry carefully.
  3. Take your computer and put it on a study table on top of a towel.
  4. Put a fan on high and point it directly at the keyboard.
  5. Wait for a few hours for it to dry out.
  6. When dry attempt to boot up your computer.


  • If the computer cannot be turned on or there are other problems, contact a Customer Service Representative from the company where you bought your computer from. There is a chance that the warranty on it will cover spills.


  • If you computer continues to have problems and you're sure there is no more liquid in or on it, you may have to get some parts replaced or a new laptop. Consult a computer repair technician to get an estimate on repairs.

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