- Build your team means you need to build support for yourself and work also needs people just like you.
- Share credit widely means those who gave you idea, supported you or helped you in any way, share credit with them that will give them motivation, encouragement and satisfaction.
- Ask for advice before asking for resources means do not run for resources at first, try to work on the idea, make it feasible, ask for advice and guidance from your team, mentor and role model.
- Under promise and over deliver means don't promise what you can't deliver
- Do any job needed regardless job description, being an intrapreneur you need to do a lot more and some times a kind of task that you are not familiar with nor are written in your job description.
- It is easier to ask for forgiveness than permission, if you wait for the permission from your management before doing or trying anything new and creative, then you can not do it. Try to perform and do what it takes, if succeeded.... fine.. if not than ask for forgiveness because unless and until you don't try how ll you know about the success or failure.
- Interest of the company first when circumvent bureaucracy
- Come to work each day willing to be fired
- Be true to the goals, be realistic to the way to achieve them
- Honor and educate your sponsors
Hello! u can find here every sort of topics n help u need. simply write in comments and leave ur email id
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
10 Commandments Of An Intrapreneur
Monday, June 27, 2011
more than just problem solving in a typical management position. An entrepreneur must find,
evaluate, and develop an opportunity by overcoming the forces that resist the creation of
something new. The process has four distinct phases: (1) identification and evaluation of the
opportunity, (2) development of the business plan, (3) determination of the required resources,
and (4) management of the resulting enterprise. Although these phases proceed progressively,
no one stage is dealt with in isolation or is totally completed before work on other phases occurs.
For example, to successfully identify and evaluate an opportunity (phase 1), an entrepreneur
must have in mind the type of business desired (phase 4).
Identify and Evaluate the Opportunity
Opportunity identification and evaluation is a very difficult task. Most good business
opportunities do not suddenly appear, but rather result from an entrepreneur’s alertness to
possibilities, or in some case, the establishment of mechanisms that identify potential
opportunities. For example, one entrepreneur asks at every cocktail party whether anyone is
using a product that does not adequately fulfill its intended purpose. This person is constantly
looking for a need and an opportunity to create a better product. Another entrepreneur always
monitors the play habits and toys of her nieces and nephews. This is her way of looking for any
unique toy product niche for a new venture.
Although most entrepreneurs do not have formal mechanisms or identifying business
opportunities, some sources are often fruitful: consumers and business associates, members of
the distribution system, and technical people. Often, consumers are the best source of ideas for a
new venture. How many times have you heard someone comment, “If only there was a product
that would…” This comment can result in the creation of new business. One entrepreneur’s
evaluation of why so many business executives were complaining about the lack of good
technical writing and word-processing services resulted in the creation of her own business
venture to fill this need. Her technical writing service grew to 10 employees in two years.
Due to their close contact with the end user, channel members in the distribution system also see
product needs. One entrepreneur started a college bookstore after haring all the students
complain about the high cost of books and the lack of service provided by the only bookstore on
campus. Many other entrepreneurs have identified business opportunities through a discussion
with a retailer, wholesaler, or manufacturer’s representative.
Finally, technically oriented individuals often conceptualize business opportunities when
working on other projects. One entrepreneur’s business resulted from seeing the application of a
plastic resin compound in developing and manufacturing a new type of pallet while developing
the resin application in another totally unrelated area—casket moldings.
Whether the opportunity is identified by using input from consumers, business associates,
channel members, or technical people, each opportunity must be carefully screened and
evaluated. This evaluation of the opportunity is perhaps the most critical element of the
entrepreneurial process, as it allows the entrepreneur to assess whether the specific product or
service has the returns needed compared to the resources required. This evaluation process
involves looking at the length of the opportunity, its real and perceived value, its risks and
returns, its fit with the personal skills and goals of the entrepreneur, and its uniqueness or
differential advantage in its competitive environment.
The market size and the length of the window of opportunity are the primary basis for
determining the risks and rewards. This risks reflect the market, competition, technology, and
amount of capital involved. The amount of capital needed provides the basis for the return and
rewards. The methodology for evaluating risks and rewards frequently indicates that an
opportunity offers neither a financial nor a personal reward commensurate with the risks
involved. One company that delivered bark mulch to residential and commercial users for
decoration around the base of trees and shrubs added loam and shells to its product line. These
products were sold to the same customer base using the same distribution (delivery) system.
Follow-on products are important for a company expanding or diversifying in a particular
channel. A distribution channel member such as Kmart, Service Merchandise, or Target prefers
to do business with multi-product, rather than single-product, firms.
Finally, the opportunity must fit the personal skills and goals of the entrepreneur. It is
particularly important that the entrepreneur be able to put forth the necessary time and effort
required to make the venture succeed. Although many entrepreneurs feel that the desire can be
developed along the venture, typically it does not materialize. An entrepreneur must believe in
the opportunity so much that he or she will make the necessary sacrifices to develop the
opportunity and manage the resulting organization.
Opportunity analysis, or what is frequently called an opportunity assessment plan, is one method
for evaluating an opportunity. It is not a business plan. Compared to a business plan, it should
be shorter; focus on the opportunity, not the entire venture; and provide the basis for making the
decision of whether or not to act on the opportunity.
An opportunity assessment plan includes the following: a description of the product or service,
an assessment of the opportunity, an assessment of the entrepreneur and the team, specifications
of all the activities and resources needed to translate the opportunity into a viable business
venture, and the source of capital to finance the initial venture as well as its growth. The
assessment of the opportunity requires answering the following questions:
• What market need does it fill?
• What personal observations have you experienced or recorded with regard to that market
• What social condition underlies this market need?
• What market research data can be marshaled to describe this market need?
• What patents might be available to fulfill this need?
• What competition exists in this market? How would you describe the behavior of this
• What does the international market look like?
• What does the international competition look like?
• Where is the money to be made in this activity?
Developing a Business Plan
A good business plan must be developed in order to exploit the defined opportunity. This is a
very time-consuming phase of the entrepreneurial process. An entrepreneur usually has not
prepared a business plan before and does not have the resources available to do a good job. A
good business plan is essential to developing the opportunity and determining the resources
required, obtaining those resources, and successfully managing the resulting venture.
Determine the Resources Required
The resources needed for addressing the opportunity must also be determined. This process
starts with an appraisal of the entrepreneur’s present resources. Any resources that are critical
need to be differentiated from those that are just helpful. Care must be taken not to
underestimate the amount of variety of resources needed. The downside risks associated with
insufficient or inappropriate resources should also be assessed.
Acquiring the needed resources in a timely manner while giving up as little control as possible is
the next step in the entrepreneurial process. An entrepreneur should strive to maintain as large
an ownership position as possible, particularly in the start-up stage. As the business develops,
more funds will probably be needed to finance the growth of the venture, requiring more
ownership to be relinquished. Alternative suppliers of these resources, along with their needs
and desires, need to be identified. By understanding resource supplier needs, the entrepreneur
can structure a deal that enables the recourses to be acquired at the lowest possible cost and the
least loss of control.
Manage the Enterprise
After resources are acquired, the entrepreneur must use them to implement the business plan.
The operational problems of the growing enterprise must also be examined. This involves
implementing a management style and structure, as well as determining the key variables for
success. A control system must be established, so that any problem areas can be quickly
identified and resolved. Some entrepreneurs have difficulty managing and growing the venture
they created.
Methods of Generating New Ideas for Entrepreneurs
Even with a wide variety of sources available, coming up with an idea as the basis for a new venture can still be a difficult problem. The entrepreneur can use several methods to help generate and test new ideas including focus groups, brainstorming and problem inventory analysis
. The following are some of the key methods to help generate end test new ideas:
1. Focus Groups – these are the groups of individuals providing information in a structural format. A moderator leads a group of people through an open, in-depth discussion rather than simply asking questions to solicit participant response. Such groups form comments in open-end in-depth discussions for a new product area that can result in market success. In addition to generating new ideas, the focus group is an excellent source for initially screening ideas and concept.
2. Brainstorming – it is a group method for obtaining new ideas and solutions. It is based on the fact that people can be stimulated to greater creativity by meeting with others and participating in organized group experiences. The characteristics of this method are keeping criticism away; free wheeling of idea, high quantity of ideas, combination and improvements of ideas. Such type of session should be fun with no scope for domination and inhibition. Brainstorming has a greater probability of success when the effort focuses on specific product or market area.
3. Problem inventory analysis– it is a method for obtaining new ideas and solutions by focusing on problems. This analysis uses individuals in a manner that is analogous to focus groups to generate new product areas. However, instead of generating new ideas, the consumers are provided with list of problems and then asked to have discussion over it and it ultimately results in an entirely new product idea. The entrepreneur is not limited by only the three methods presented in this article.
Sunday, June 26, 2011
What is Intrapreneurship?: Intrapreneurship is the practice of entrepreneurship by employees within an organization.
Difference between an entrepreneur and an intrapreneur:
An entrepreneur takes substantial risk in being the owner and operator of a business with expectations of financial profit and other rewards that the business may generate. On the contrary, an intrapreneur is an individual employed by an organization for remuneration, which is based on the financial success of the unit he is responsible for. Intrapreneurs share the same traits as entrepreneurs such as conviction, zeal and insight. As the intrapreneur continues to expresses his ideas vigorously, it will reveal the gap between the philosophy of the organization and the employee. If the organization supports him in pursuing his ideas, he succeeds. If not, he is likely to leave the organization and set up his own business.
Example of intrapreneurship: A classic case of intrapreneurs is that of the founders of Adobe, John Warnock and Charles Geschke. They both were employees of Xerox. As employees of Xerox, they were frustrated because their new product ideas were not encouraged. They quit Xerox in the early 1980s to begin their own business. Currently, Adobe has an annual turnover of over $3 billion.
Features of Intrapreneurship: Entrepreneurship involves innovation, the ability to take risk and creativity. An entrepreneur will be able to look at things in novel ways. He will have the capacity to take calculated risk and to accept failure as a learning point. An intrapreneur thinks like an entrepreneur looking out for opportunities, which profit the organization. Intrapreneurship is a novel way of making organizations more profitable where imaginative employees entertain entrepreneurial thoughts. It is in the interest of an organization to encourage intrapreneurs. Intrapreneurship is a significant method for companies to reinvent themselves and improve performance.
In a recent study, researchers compared the elements related to entrepreneurial and intrapreneurial activity. The study found that among the 32,000 subjects who participated in it, five percent were engaged in the initial stages of a business start-up, either on their own or within an organization. The study also found that human capital such as education and experience is connected more with entrepreneurship than with intrapreneurship. Another observation was that intraptreneurial startups were inclined to concentrate more on business-to-business products while entrepreneurial startups were inclined towards consumer sales.
Another important factor that led to the choice between entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship was age. The study found that people who launched their own companies were in their 30s and 40s. People from older and younger age groups were risk averse or felt they have no opportunities, which makes them the ideal candidates if an organization is on the look out for employees with new ideas that can be pursued.
Entrepreneurship appeals to people who possess natural traits that find start ups arousing their interest. Intrapreneurs appear to be those who generally would not like to get entangled in start ups but are tempted to do so for a number of reasons. Managers would do well to take employees who do not appear entrepreneurial but can turn out to be good intrapreneurial choices.
Employee Intrapreneur
"Intrapreneurship refers to employee initiatives in organizations to undertake something new, without being asked to do so". This Intrapreneur focuses on innovation and creativity and who transforms a dream or an idea into a profitable venture, by operating within the organizational environment. Thus, Intrapreneurs are Inside entrepreneurs who follow the goal of the organization. Intrapreneurship is an example of motivation through job design.
Employees, perhaps engaged in a special project within a larger firm are supposed to behave as entrepreneurs, even though they have the resources, capabilities and security of the larger firm to draw upon. Capturing a little of the dynamic nature of entrepreneurial management (trying things until successful, learning from failures, attempting to conserve resources, etc.) adds to the potential of an otherwise static organizations without exposing those employees to the risks or accountability normally associated with entrepreneurial failure.
Principles of Innovation
There are five principles that give life to the process of innovation:
- Innovation starts when people convert problems to ideas. New ideas are born through questions, problems and obstacles. The process of innovation is indebted to the trouble that comes about when we are surrounded by that which is not solved, not smooth and not simple. Therefore, in order for the innovation process to flourish, it needs a climate that encourages inquiry and welcomes problems.
- Innovation needs a system. All organizations have innovation systems. Some are formal, designed by the leadership, and some are informal, taking place outside established channels. Informal channels are untidy and inefficient, yet innovation is always associated with them.
- Passion is the fuel, and pain is the hidden ingredient. Ideas do not propel themselves; passion makes them go. Passion, in addition to talent and skill, is a valuable company asset. Passion is what transforms other resources into profits, but it never shows up on a balance sheet. Unfortunately, there seems to be some universal law that says when pursuing a passion or following a dream, pain is part of the process. Innovation leaders need to take the pain with the passion and learn to manage both effectively.
- Co-locating drives effective exchange. Co-location refers to physical proximity between people. It is a key for building the trust that is essential to the innovation process. It also increases the possibility for greater exchange of information, cross-fertilization of ideas, stimulation of creative thinking in one another and critique of ideas during their formative stage.
- Differences should be leveraged. The differences that normally divide people — such as language, culture, race, gender and thinking and problem solving styles — can be a boon to innovation. When differences are used constructively and people move beyond fear, suspicion, mistrust and prejudice, differences can be leveraged to enhance and sustain the innovation process.
Thursday, June 23, 2011
How to Fix a Laptop That You Spilt Coffee On
So you've spilt a liquid on your laptop? Here is a simple guide to fix your computer from its dip in the lake.
- Turn off your computer immediately.
- Place a dry cloth on top of your laptop and pat it dry carefully.
- Take your computer and put it on a study table on top of a towel.
- Put a fan on high and point it directly at the keyboard.
- Wait for a few hours for it to dry out.
- When dry attempt to boot up your computer.
- If the computer cannot be turned on or there are other problems, contact a Customer Service Representative from the company where you bought your computer from. There is a chance that the warranty on it will cover spills.
- If you computer continues to have problems and you're sure there is no more liquid in or on it, you may have to get some parts replaced or a new laptop. Consult a computer repair technician to get an estimate on repairs.
Saturday, June 18, 2011
How to loose weight?
If you're serious about changing your lifestyle, these steps help get you there. The key is to dedicate yourself to these changes and do them consistently.
No, losing weight isn't a walk in the park. But by following these steps ... you may find it's a little easier than you think!
First up, let's take a look at some simple ways to make significant improvements in your diet.
If foods like burgers are basic to your current diet, cutting out red meat can go a long way in helping you make healthier meal choices and losing weight.By building your meals around fish and poultry, you can more easily keep temptation at bay by eliminating many poor fast food and restaurant choices, which are over-sized and high in fat.
To keep your shellfish, fish, chicken, and turkey diet-friendly, be sure to choose the right preparation method (see #2). Be wary of creamy, high-cal condiments that come with entrees, like tartar sauce or special sauce on grilled chicken sandwiches.
Keep your healthier choices truly healthy by grilling, baking, roasting, broiling or boiling them.- Keep things interesting by adding low-cal condiments to your usual fare. A tangy barbecue sauce will give boiled chicken a kick. Lemon-herb dressing will complement broiled fish deliciously.
- Make sure your spice rack is always stocked with plenty of herbs and spices so you can doctor up your favorite dishes to your own taste without adding any additional fat or calories. Plant an herb garden and you'll never run out!
- If you often eat fast food, forget that "value meals" and "combos" even exist; they seem like a better deal, but they're just not worth the extra calories! Stick to a grilled chicken sandwich or a child's hamburger and a side salad (watch the dressing!) when you're on the run.
Having a salad or cup of soup for starters can be an at-home habit that pays off in pounds-lost. They can curb your hunger, prevent over-eating, and help you stay in control of portions, all of which are crucial to losing weight.- Choose a broth- or tomato-based soup like minestrone (rather than a cream- or milk-based choice). Vegetable soup made with broth, stock, or tomato soup is ideal, because the veggies will help fill you up and give you a fiber and nutrition boost.
- Top your salad with low-cal dressing or balsamic vinegar. An added plus of having a salad before every meal is getting more fiber, something many of our diets are short on, which will also help you feel fuller sooner. Be sure to include lots of veggies and dark mixed greens like spinach in your salads.
Instead of reaching for the cookie jar or helping yourself to dessert after meals, make a point to finish off with naturally-sweet fruit instead of sinfully-sweet treats.Not only will you save fat and calories, you will also have the added benefit of extra vitamins, minerals and fiber. Few of us eat as much fruit as recommended.
In time, you will become accustomed to foregoing sweets and you'll look forward to your healthier treat just as much.
Sometimes it's easy to focus so much on what we eat that we forget to include what we drink in our diet analysis. That can be a big problem, because the number of liquid calories you can consume without even realizing is quite astounding.
If you drink regular soda, you may be surprised at just how many additional calories you're taking in.For example, for every 20 ounces of Coca-Cola you drink, you're consuming 250 calories. Drink several glasses a day and you can easily down 1,000 liquid calories.
If you're attempting to consume around 1,500 to 1,600 calories a day in order to lose weight, you've almost blown your entire calorie budget on soda!
When you think about how many calories you eat on average and then add in those empty calories, you'll realize what a waste drinking these sugary drinks is -- literally -- they go straight to your waist!
If you drink a lot of soda, think of how many calories you'll be saving if you trade it in for diet soda or water. Hundreds? Even thousands? Remember, every 3,500 calories saved equals one pound lost!
I know it sounds like a broken record, but it really is important to drink enough water every day. Reach for the rule-of-thumb goal of eight glasses per day.Plus, drinking water more often will help you with tip #1 . You won't have time to drink soda! You may even find you crave water instead of soda once you begin drinking it more often.
Try going a day or two with no soda and then sit down to a glass; you'll probably be shocked at how overly-sweet it tastes.
Switching to diet sodas may sound like a sure-fire way to lose weight since they're virtually calorie-free. However, there is a controversial issue about artificial sweeteners' indirect effect on weight loss that might surprise you.In the mid-1980's -- when the safety of artificial sweeteners was often headline news -- a study was published in a medical journal that suggested artificial sweeteners cause one's appetite to increase.
More recently, some health experts have suggested that artificial sweeteners actually cause cravings for sweet foods to increase. If so, this reaction definitely sets you up for making poor food choices. This can lead to a big problem, particularly if you tend to binge when you eat high-carb and sugar-rich foods.
This may go without saying, but they don't call it a beer belly for nothing. Alcoholic beverages are high-calorie and can lead to out-of-control eating. Try to cut down -- or better still, eliminate -- alcohol.
Next up are some behavior modifications that will help you get -- and stay -- focused on losing weight and taking care of yourself.
There is no better tool for weight management. Keeping a food journal consistently will show you your trouble areas, the foods that get you started on a binge, the worst times of day, etc.I'd suggest you keep a detailed food diary for at least two weeks to accurately reflect your habits.
Learn all you can about nutrition online, through books, or by taking a nutrition class at your local community college. - GET A HANDLE ON EMOTIONAL EATING.
If you feel you have issues with emotional eating, you may want to track your feelings in your food diary, too.You should record how you feel before, during, and after eating. Periodically check over your entries to see what cues set you off to binge most often.
If you discover frequent binges or you can't seem to cope with stress or sadness without eating, you're an emotional eater. Don't hesitate to make an appointment with a qualified therapist or clinical social worker. Cognitive behavior therapy is extremely effective in treating over-eating due to emotions.
We're not talking chugging your way through a one hour aerobics class right away, here. Simply get outside and take a brisk walk for 10 minute every other day. That's all you have to do right now.Remember, any activity is better than no activity. When you feel more comfortable, add 10 minute increments and/or walk more often.
(Note: Please get your doctor's approval before exercising if you have any health problems!)
Monday, June 13, 2011
How to Improve Your Memory
- onvince yourself that you do have a good memory that will improve. Too many people get stuck here and convince themselves that their memory is bad, that they are just not good with names, that numbers just slip out of their minds for some reason. Erase those thoughts and vow to improve your memory. Commit yourself to the task and bask in your achievements -- it's hard to keep motivated if you beat yourself down every time you make a little bit of progress.
- Exercise your brain. Regularly “exercising" the brain keeps it growing and spurs the development of new nerve connections that can help improve memory. By developing new mental skills—especially complex ones such as learning a new language or learning to play a new musical instrument—and challenging your brain with puzzles and games you can keep your brain active and improve its physiological functioning. Try some puzzle exercises everyday such as word cross, sudoku and some other games as easy to put into your mobile phone and practise it maybe once for 30 minutes per day.
- Exercise daily. Regular aerobic exercise improves circulation and efficiency throughout the body, including in the brain, and can help ward off the memory loss that comes with aging. Exercise also makes you more alert and relaxed, and can thereby improve your memory uptake, allowing you to take better mental “pictures."
- Reduce stress. Chronic stress, although it does not physically damage the brain, can make remembering much more difficult. After prolonged stress the brain will be damaged. Stressful situations are recognized by the hypothalamus, which in turn signals the pituitary gland. The pituitary gland secreted adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)which influences the adrenal glands to secrete adrenaline and later cortisol(corticosteroids). The corticosteroids can weaken the blood-brain barrier and damage the hippocampus(the memory center). Ironically, the hippocampus controls the secretion of the hormone released by the hypothalamus through a process of negative feedback. After chronic stress it will be damaged and it will not be as efficient in regulating the degenerative corticosteroids and memory will be harmed. Neurogenesis (formation of new neurons) indeed exists in the hippocampus but stress inhibits it. To recapitulate and synthesis, chronic stress will affect your health and your memory, it will damage the brain so the best option is to learn to control stress. Stress will never be eliminated, but it definitely can be controlled. [http://ezinearticles.com/?How-Stress-Effects-Neurotransmitters&id=19510]Even temporary stresses can make it more difficult to effectively focus on concepts and observe things. Try to relax, regularly practice yoga or other stretching exercises, and see a doctor if you have severe chronic stress as soon as possible.
- Eat well and eat right. There are a lot of herbal supplements on the market that claim to improve memory, but none have yet been shown to be effective in clinical tests (although small studies have shown some promising results for ginkgo biloba and phosphatidylserine). A healthy diet, however, contributes to a healthy brain, and foods containing antioxidants—broccoli, blueberries, spinach, and berries, for example—and Omega-3 fatty acids appear to promote healthy brain functioning. Feed your brain with such supplements as Thiamine, Vitamin E, Niacin and Vitamin B-6. Grazing, eating 5 or 6 small meals throughout the day instead of 3 large meals, also seems to improve mental functioning (including memory) by limiting dips in blood sugar, which may negatively affect the brain.
- Take better pictures. Often we forget things not because our memory is bad, but rather because our observational skills need work. One common situation where this occurs (and which almost everyone can relate to) is meeting new people. Often we don’t really learn people’s names at first because we aren’t really concentrating on remembering them. You’ll find that if you make a conscious effort to remember such things, you’ll do much better. One way to train yourself to be more observant is to look at an unfamiliar photograph for a few seconds and then turn the photograph over and describe or write down as many details as you can about the photograph. Try closing your eyes and picturing the photo in your mind. Use a new photograph each time you try this exercise, and with regular practice you will find you’re able to remember more details with even shorter glimpses of the photos.
- Give yourself time to form a memory. Memories are very fragile in the short-term, and distractions can make you quickly forget something as simple as a phone number. The key to avoid losing memories before you can even form them is to be able to focus on the thing to be remembered for a while without thinking about other things, so when you’re trying to remember something, avoid distractions and complicated tasks for a few minutes.
- Create vivid, memorable images. You remember information more easily if you can visualize it. If you want to associate a child with a book, try not to visualize the child reading the book – that's too simple and forgettable. Instead, come up with something more jarring, something that sticks, like the book chasing the child, or the child eating the book. It's your mind – make the images as shocking and emotional as possible to keep the associations strong.
- Repeat things you need to learn. The more times you hear, see, or think about something, the more surely you’ll remember it, right? It’s a no-brainer. When you want to remember something, be it your new coworker’s name or your best friend's birthday, repeat it, either out loud or silently. Try writing it down; think about it.
- Group things you need to remember. Random lists of things (a shopping list, for example) can be especially difficult to remember. To make it easier, try categorizing the individual things from the list. If you can remember that, among other things, you wanted to buy four different kinds of vegetables, you’ll find it easier to remember all four.
- Organize your life. Keep items that you frequently need, such as keys and eyeglasses, in the same place every time. Use an electronic organizer or daily planner to keep track of appointments, due dates for bills, and other tasks. Keep phone numbers and addresses in an address book or enter them into your computer or cell phone. Improved organization can help free up your powers of concentration so that you can remember less routine things. Even if being organized doesn’t improve your memory, you’ll receive a lot of the same benefits (i.e. you won’t have to search for your keys anymore).
- Try meditation. Research now suggests that people who regularly practice "mindfulness" meditation are able to focus better and may have better memories. Mindfulness (also known as awareness or insight meditation) is the type commonly practiced in Western countries and is easy to learn. Studies at Massachusetts General Hospital show that regular meditation thickens the cerebral cortex in the brain by increasing the blood flow to that region. Some researchers believe this can enhance attention span, focus, and memory.
- Sleep well. The amount of sleep we get affects the brain's ability to recall recently learned information. Getting a good night's sleep – a minimum of seven hours a night – may improve your short-term memory and long-term relational memory, according to recent studies conducted at the Harvard Medical School.
- Build your memorization arsenal. Learn pegs, memory palaces, and the Dominic System. These techniques form the foundation for mnemonic techniques, and will visibly improve your memory.
- Venture out and learn from your mistakes. Go ahead and take a stab at memorizing the first one hundred digits of pi, or, if you've done that already, the first one thousand. Memorize the monarchs of England through your memory palaces, or your grocery list through visualization. Through diligent effort you will eventually master the art of memorization.
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
How to Be a Modern Ninja
We all want or wanted to be a Ninja or ninja-ette at some point in our very short lives. But, most thought about how awesome or impossible it would be to be a Ninja with a black mask, samurai swords, and dropping from ceilings, but get real, will that ever happen in our modern day world? Today I will give you instructions of how to be a REAL modern Ninja, without going to jail for assassination of an enemy!
STEPS:- Don't think you can do every thing! Take it easy and your "ninjaness" will come with time! Don't do crazy jumping off buildings, or getting into fights with brass knuckles.
- Do well in school. It sounds crazy I know but a Ninja must be knowledgeable, and know how to act in a situation.
- DON'T OVER DO YOUR OUTFIT! Don't dress in all black, blend in with everyone else, whether it is a formal dress up, wedding, party or a normal day at school. Don't be noticed, part of being a ninja is blending in, like a SPY. But don't be anti social, the quiet people are closely watched.
- ONLY BE VIOLENT IN AN EMERGENCY SITUATION, don't 'randomly snap someone's wrist, or arm, don't Ninja flip them, and don't kill them. I know boys it sounds boring, but oh well.
- Don't go around saying you are a Ninja, part of being a Ninja is being a master spy. James Bond didn't randomly blurt out that he was a spy, he kept a secret.
- Learn free running or Parkour, so you don't hurt yourself. Don't do stunts like flips and tricks without a professional spotter in the room or area with at LEAST a phone to call emergency services.
- Be stealthy, be quiet, if you have a dog or cat, practice sneaking up them or a friend
- Be safe
- Don't blurt out your secret to friends
- Find escape routes for any situation
- Don't be afraid to try new tactics
- Build your body
- Eat healthy
- Be respected
- Be a Ninja
- Don't be a crazy Ninja
- Don't show you're a Ninja
- Don't be violent
- Don't harm anyone unless it is an emergency
- Don't dress like Movie Ninjas
Sunday, May 8, 2011
How to House Train a Puppy
Got a new pup? Unless you want him peeing all over the place, you'll need to train him. Here's how.
- Understand dog behavior – dogs do not know right from wrong. What they understand is safe and dangerous. When your puppy comes into your house he doesn’t understand that it is “bad” behavior to urinate on your carpet.
- We want to teach your dog that going in the house is unacceptable. We do this by catching your dog in the act - not after the behavior has occurred but while the behavior is happening. Punishing your dog after the behavior has occurred can confuse your dog, making the house training process much more difficult.
- Start to develop a schedule – Putting your dog on a feeding schedule during the house training process can make your efforts much more successful. A dog or puppy that is allowed to eat whenever she wants will make house training very difficult. Also, developing a schedule to take your dog outside will make it easier on you. Always bring a dog outside within 15 to 20 minutes after meals.
- Acquire a kennel. It can be an airline type with a door or a simple laundry basket with a tray table lid hooked on. You can be creative, but basically he must not be able to escape. Most pups and dogs will not eliminate in their crate. When you need to go to work or have to leave the house for a while, you can put your pup in her crate. When you come home, you can immediately take her outside and not give her the opportunity to make a mistake in the house.
- Using a crate is excellent for young dogs. At some point in your dog’s life he will probably have to go into a crate. The vet, travel, and grooming visits all require your dog to go into a crate. It is better to get him used to one while he is young. However, note that if your kennel is too big, the dog may still excrete in it. Dogs will not "go" in their immediate territory. Some dogs will go within 9 to 10 feet, and some will go within 3 to 4 feet. Make sure your kennel is properly compact.
- Have a designated area for your puppy to "go."
- When you get your puppy home the first day, start puppy housebreaking him immediately. After he has been briefly introduced to his home and new surroundings, give him a drink of water and immediately take him outside to relieve himself. Take the puppy to the area you chose before bringing him home.
- As soon as your puppy finishes, praise it excitedly and immediately take him inside. From that point on, take the puppy to the same housebreaking spot each time and encourage him with a command such as "go potty," "hurry up" or whatever you choose. Once she starts, don’t say anything else. Once your pup is finished, praise and reward her immediately. You need to let your dog know that she is doing the right behavior. During the housetraining process it is a good idea to take your dog out on leash. If you let your dog out into a fenced in area and you are not there, you will not be able to communicate to your dog that she is doing the right behavior.
- Be consistent using this single command only with the process of puppy housebreaking so that the puppy will learn to associate this act with the command. This will be a huge help in the future, especially when in a new environment or location when traveling, visiting relatives/friends, etc. Being completely housebroken and completely reliable is the final outcome you are looking for.
- Get everyone involved – if you live by yourself with your dog this step will be easy. If your dog lives in a house with more than one person, make sure that everyone is taking the steps to make the housetraining process quick and easy. The closer everyone sticks to the plan, the faster the training will progress.
- Take up the puppy's water early in the evening and to not feed or water it after say, 6:00 at night, otherwise you may have to make more housebreaking potty trips than usual outside to let the puppy relieve itself.
- Clean up any accidents (and there will be plenty) quickly and thouroughly. Hardwood (and tile) floors should be wiped cleaned, and then sprayed with a disinfectant. Carpets need to be cleaned with a carpet cleaner. This is probably the most important step because dogs have such a great sense of smell. If they can still smell the urine they will continue to urinate in that same spot. This is also why you should have a designated area outside.
- A lot of people get commercial cleaners at the supermarket. A lot of these products contain ammonia. Ammonia smells like urine to your dog. So if your dog urinates on the carpet and you clean with an ammonia product, your dog will come back to that spot and think that a strange dog has gone on the carpet. Your dog will eliminate again on that same spot to cover it.
- White, distilled vinegar and water works great. Follow up with baking soda, and vacuum up the residue when dry.
- Let him be free in the house with supervision at first, for longer periods until you are sure he will ask to go out when he has to go. This strategy should not take more than two weeks for him to get the picture.
- You must watch them like a hawk at all times - in the beginning of housebreaking especially. If you can not keep an eye on your puppy for some reason please put them in a safe and secure puppy proofed spot (such as a crate or some other small room with easy to clean floors, such as linoleum, closed off with a baby gate so you can peek in as needed).
- If you are consistent in your puppy housebreaking in the very beginning, especially when it is inconvenient to you (late at night, while you are watching your favorite TV show, etc.), you will actually help the puppy housebreak itself to alert you when it "has to go."
- There is a direct correlation between the time you actually put into the puppy housebreaking process and the speed in which the housebreaking of the puppy successfully occurs.
- Note that leaving a puppy's food bowl out all day filled to the brim is a bad way to house train them (or keep them in shape). A puppy should be given 1/2 a cup of food and about 2 cups of water twice a day from weeks 1-15. as they grow, take it slowly. Don't rush from 1/2 a cup to 3 cups extremely quickly.
- If there is a lot of crying at first, try not to encourage it by giving him a lot of attention at these times. You can move the kennel beside the bed and dangle your hand to comfort the babe on those first few nights. Afterwards, a slap on the top of the kennel and one firmly spoken "No" should let him know you are not pleased with the behavior. Try to tire him out so that you can get some sleep on the first few nights.
- The seventh week is critical in a puppy's life, try not to scare the pup this week, handle with care, it will imprint on the rest of his life. Always reward good behavior with sweet talk and petting, ignore bad behavior as best you can. Placing them back in their kennel is not to be considered a punishment but is sometimes necessary, do it lovingly and with sweet talk if you can. They will soon learn that good behavior gives them more time with you and will seek that above all else.
- Only punish a puppy for going in the house when you catch him in the act! If you find an accident, count it as your fault for not taking the puppy out enough. If you catch your puppy going in the house, grab him by the scruff of the neck (where his mother would pick him up) and say No! Picking him up by the scruff of his neck should have the effect of stopping him from whatever it is he is doing. If you pick him up and he doesn't stop urinating, then he can't hold it any more. Take the puppy outside immediately and let him finish. Lots of praise and a treat when they do.
- Most dogs will learn to associate a specific door with going outside. As a puppy gets older, he will usually go to the door to be let out. Each dog will develop whatever habit gets him let out. For some this is barking, others running to the door and back to you, and others will scratch at the door (this should not be encouraged if you don't want to replace the door).
- Dog training really boils down to timing, consistency, and motivation. When we are housetraining a dog, we need to make sure that our timing is good – catching your dog in the act. We need to make sure that we are consistent with the training – same feeding schedule, outside schedule, and everyone in the house is on the same page. Motivation is rewarding your dog for going outside and startling your dog when they start to eliminate in the house.
- If you need to eliminate a smell, pour about a teaspoon of Vanilla Extract on the area where the dog has eliminated. The dog will no longer be able to smell his urine and will not have the urge to urinate there again
- A puppy should be taken out immediately (to a prearranged housebreaking area outside):
- when it wakes up first thing in the morning (before, if you manage to get up before the puppy).
- after each and every meal.
- after each and every nap.
- before he goes to bed for the night.
- Remember that your puppy will get used to your schedule. So even if you have the day off, you will still need to get up to take your puppy outside around the same time as usual.