Sunday, July 11, 2010

How to Defend Yourself in a Fight at School

Sometimes, despite your best efforts, someone may try to attack you. Even without martial arts or self-defense training, you can still defend yourself.


  1. Walk or run away if you can. At school, you need to yell for a teacher. Your reputation isn't worth being put in the hospital. If you are out on the street, find a busy building to get into, for you WON'T be kidnapped. But always remember that teachers will definitely always help you. If they don't, that is a problem you need to take to an administrator.
  2. Try to talk them down. Don't respond to their taunts or personal attacks. Try saying something like "Okay, we are about to fight over something stupid" or "I'm sure we can work this out". Make it sound cool, but not offensive as to provoke them even more.
  3. Turn to the side to make yourself a smaller target if there is no where to go or you can't get away. Do not raise your hands yet; you want to be defensive, not aggressive. Try to keep your opponent well away from you, because chances are if they get within a few feet of you, you will be attacked.
  4. If they start to swing at you, raise your hands in a defensive posture. Put your leading arm (same side as your front foot) in front of your face and head, with your fist about 2 inches below your forehead. Use your other arm to cover the center of your chest and stomach.
  5. Shout "NO!", "Stop!" and/or "Don't!" loudly and with a lot of force. Shouting forcefully can often stop attackers in their tracks, and they don't expect it, and may give you time to get away.
  6. Dodge. Weave, duck, and bob. There's a reason boxers learn to do it. Air is more effective at taking punches than you are.
  7. Try to get away again. Move around your attacker; don't let them back you into a wall or corner. If you can, back them into a corner.
  8. With your back to the wall, but not touching it, you only have to worry about 180 degrees of multiple attackers. With sharp tight pivots, you can use the wall as a resting place for an attacker's face. Move, move, move!!!!
  9. Resist the temptation to punch them in the face. Unless you get really lucky, all that you will do is anger your attacker and provoke them to further attack and act agressive towards you.
  10. If you find yourself in a situation where you absolutely must defend yourself with physical force, the best place to attack someone is their solar plexus; a spot in the center of the torso just between the ribs. This will confuse their nerves and cause them to have difficulty breathing for a few minutes, but will have no severe or lasting effects.
  11. If you find yourself in a situation where you absolutely must defend yourself -- Alternate method (should only be attempted if you have been trained to do so): Non-aggressively raise both of your hands to head level with your fists open and palms facing the aggressor. Try to talk the person who wants to fight you out of it one last time. If they make any sudden movements towards you, with your dominant hand reach past the opposing side of your head (as if you are going to grab your ear) while raising your stance with your toes. Then strike downward at a 35-45 degree angle towards the aggressor's neck with the back of your hand -Palm Open. Drop your stance and twist your shoulders into the strike to increase the power. If done correctly this will either temporarily shut down half of the assailant's body or knock them out. Do not strike with the edge of your hand! There are two reasons why doing so is a bad idea. First and foremost, striking with the edge of your hand displaces only one vertebra. It could permanently disable them and land you in jail. Second, unless you know what you are doing you will most likely break your hand while failing to hit them with enough force to render them a non-threat. After this strike, even if they are just dazed, get away. It is unlawful to continue a fight once you have a chance to escape.
  12. Punching the face will probably break your hand. There are too many great soft spots that can take the fight out of most aggressors. Put your whole body weight and "english" into each strike to make it count. One is all it takes.
  13. Forget about fighting fair. This step is only if you are in serious danger! Stamp on their feet, kick them in the groin (it works on women too), scratch and bite (bite with your side teeth, gnash, grind, shake), and pull their hair. Try to avoid kicking in a street fight unless you know how to correctly execute one. Don't forget the joints, especially knees (you don't have to cripple the attacker, you can kick him to the ground and run like the wind), elbows (you can't throw a punch with half your arm in a pain of sprain)and the shoulders.
  14. Run! Hopefully you incapacitated them for a few seconds, which should give you enough time to sprint to safety.
  15. Call your local emergency number report the assault. The sooner you call, the better your chances of your actions being reported as self-defense.
  16. If you are in a fight, I would recommend a backup plan just in case things go wrong.
  17. Scream and run.
  18. Stomp on their feet/foot and run through the surrounding crowd.
  19. Dodge all their punches.
  20. Call for help from a teacher or another authority.
  21. Try not to walk in places where there are drunk people walking around. Don't go down alleyways, or through gas station stores for no reason. Keep yourself safe. That's the most important thing.
  22. If you are at school people usually punch to the face. This is what I like to call the "Step'n Stab".
  23. Make yourself narrow.
  24. Once done take your front foot in your narrow stance and step over so your face is out of their reach.(DONT STEP TO THE SIDE!)in other words,you are in a front stance or your foot is almost beside theirs but back in a safe will be in an intermediate direction like north west,southwest ect.
  25. Take your fist and drive it into their solar plexus.
  26. DON'T JAB, KEEP GOING!Dont jab the punch to the solar plexus,keep driving your fist in it.This works best in a wall.
  27. Take your back leg and step up with your fist in their solar plexus. Now the stance should be switched with your opponent stunned.


  • The most commonly thrown opening punch is the right hook, watch out for this, if you see it coming duck under it and counter.
  • Easiest way to start and end a fight at the same time is left jab, left jab, right cross (unless your a lefty then it is the right right left). If they block those, try a kick to the kneecap. Then run.
  • Confusion many times saves you. Blocks, full out punches, shutos, palm strikes to soft areas (neck, diaphragm, jaw, etc. mixed in with kicks to knee, outside/inside thigh, foot stomps, etc. Overwhelm him with fierce variety.
  • The easiest way to defend yourself in a fight is to not be in one. Be polite and courteous, and try not to cause trouble with people that you know want to pick a fight with you. Make it very public and audible. If you can't get clear of a fight then at least you'll have witnesses to back you up in court!
  • If you have to fight, try to use their own momentum against them. if they punch, try to dodge to one side and "help them on their way" with a push to the back, or a punch to the attackers ribs/ back. this should wind them and give you a chance to escape


  • Don't try to start a fight.
  • Only engage in combat as a last resort.
  • If using a weapon, don't let the attempting attacker get it! Actually use it!
  • Remember, if you hit back at your attacker, you may be brought to court (no matter how young you are). Make sure you're aware of the laws in your area surrounding assault.
  • Don't encourage your opponent to fight.
  • The legal and moral definition of self-defense only extends so far. There have been numerous cases where the original attacker has won a civil or criminal case against his victim because the so-called victim used excess force. However, if your attacker verbally threatens not only your safety but your life, or if he contacts your throat, the law specifically cites that your life has been threatened, and you may use whatever force is necessary.
  • Sometimes, no matter how hard you try to defuse the conflict, your attacker will keep coming; at this point it is simple - knock them out before they knock you out!
  • Defend the back of your neck with your life. The parts of your brain that control breathing and pulse are in a cavity at the back of your head. If these get damaged you're down for good.

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