Saturday, June 27, 2009

Stay Active after school

Usually it happens that after attending school, students become week. so if want to remain active u have to follow few steps given below.


  1. Get a group of friends to join in. Invite a bunch of pals to get started in your new activity together. Exercise goes much faster when you are doing it with a bunch of buds!
  2. Find out what type of exercise you'd like to do. If you are a daredevil, you might like something like Rock climbing or in-line skating. If you are a bit more calm, try some relaxing Yoga or a nice walk in the Park.
  3. Go to the YMCA closest to you or your local park district and see what programs are offered. Make sure that it fits your busy schedule and meets all of your fitness needs.
  4. If you can't go to a fitness center, try talking to your school gym teachers or coaches for something to do. Many schools offer sports like Volleyball, Basketball, Track and Tennis to get students moving!
  5. Run! Running uses very little equipment, gets you in shape qiuckly, and allows you to participate more actively in other sports. Start out with long, slow runs, at a pace where you feel comfortable talking. If you wish, you may increase the pace of your runs after a few weeks.

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